Picking Cherries the World Over
Published on 5/8/2013
A member named Jerrol from Cantonsville, Maryland, wrote to recommend
a blog titled 'The Sportswool Diaries: Cherry Picking the Nicest Places
in the World to Cycle.' "My wife and I met Warren Sanders (from Scotland)
and his wife Esther Tacke (from Germany) while cycling in New Zealand
in 2011," Jerrol wrote. "After completing their three-month, figure-eight
tour of New Zealand, Warren and Esther flew to Los Angeles in May 2011
to begin six months of cycle touring in the U.S." And there's more: The
couple has also toured in Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany,
Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar,
and China. "I find that their blog is entertaining and educational," Jerrol
added, "providing some of the best armchair traveling that I have ever
experienced. I believe Warren's writing is on par with that of Willie Weir,
who I also greatly enjoy." (In closing, Jerrol assured us that he has no
financial interest in Esther and Warren's blog.)