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HomeRules of the Road

Rules of the Road

Whatever distance you choose to ride, we want you to enjoy the ride and finish safely.

Below are some rules of the road you'll want to follow each time you ride.

  • Courtesy
    • Respect other riders
    • Respect people in cars

  • Be Friendly
    • Acknowledge other riders and pedestrians
    • Wave to kids
    • Smile at drivers. 
    • The friendlier we are the better they will treat us.
  • Stop at Stop Signs, Yield at Crossings and Turns

  • You are a vehicle and need to obey the same rules drivers do.

  • No More than 2 abreast
    • Don't take the entire lane
    • Single File on 2-lane roads with cars present

  • Keep Right
    • Keep as far to the right in your lane as is safe at all times.
    • Don't move to the right turn lane if you are not turning right. Not THAT far right ;) 

  • Announce Car Back
    • Move to the right and do not pass other cyclists until the car passes.
    • Single File on 2-lane roads with cars present

  • Announce When You're Passing
    • Use a bell, or your voice to indicate your intentions
    • Call 'On your left"
    • Pass on the Left Pull out only when you are sure the lane is clear
    • Allow Plenty of Room, about two bike lengths, before moving back to the right

  • Scan ahead, to the sides and behind you before changing lanes or making turns

  • Use hand signals
    • Left turn - left arm straight out
    • Right turn -  right arm straight out, or left arm pointing up
    • Stop -  left arm out, elbow down, palm facing behind you
    • Audibles and eye contact to let drivers and cyclists know your intentions.

  • Yield at Crossings and Turns
    • You are a vehicle and need to obey the same rules drivers do.

  • Don't Litter
    • If you take food with you, please place your trash (including banana peels) in a pocket or bag till you get to your next stop or the finish.