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BikeWalkKC Offers Confident City Cycling Workshop

Published on 8/20/2013
BikeWalkKC invites you to join Confident City Cycling. The workshop is based on national curriculum standards from the League of American Bicyclists and taught by expert instructors. The content is designed for any skill level and is ideal for those looking to add more city riding to their training plan, take the first step toward becoming an instructor or just get comfortable bringing back a childhood pastime. It's also a great opportunity to get geared up for commuting. 

Components include: On-bike handling skills, classroom activities with lively discussion, road ride, tips on inclement weather and night riding. Everyone who completes the class will receive a certificate and will be eligible to enroll in upcoming instructor certification training. The workshop is offered in three parts on successive Tuesdays September 10th, 17th and 24th. The class runs from 6:00 - 9:00 PM on each day and will be held in Downtown Kansas City (exact location TBD). 

Need more incentive to attend? Here are five good reasons to join the fun:
  1. Confident City Cycling will have two tracks: Novice riders will get to ride in a more comfortable setting while experienced cyclists can challenge themselves in some tougher traffic
  2. The workshop culminates with a fun, no-drop, road ride where riders will get positive feedback and expert advice from an experienced instructor. 
  3. If you've ever been interested in becoming a certified cycling instructor or a group ride leader, this class is your first step! This is the official prerequisite for LCI seminar (to be offered in KC next Spring).
  4. Want to get places while putting miles in the saddle? You'll learn some tips and tricks for carrying cargo and picking out the right commuter accessories. 
  5. Every person who mentions KCMBC when they register for the class will have their registration donation to BikeWalkKC covered by the club (up to 5)! Or donate anyway and call it a match.
  6. Might as well add a 6th reason! BikeWalkKC will offer some high quality commuting gear to a few lucky winners
Register Here:
Confident City Cycling
September 10th, 17th and 24th (must attend all sessions to receive certificate)
6:00 - 9:00 PM
Downtown KCMO (exact location TBD)

The class is taught by Eric Bunch, MEd, LCI who has over five years of bicycle education experience. Eric is a KCMBC board member and serves as director of education for BikeWalkKC.